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   ----------------------------  C++ Keywords  ----------------------------

      asm               +_ds              +interrupt         short
      auto               else             +_loadds           signed
      break              enum              long              sizeof
      case              +_es              +near             +_ss
    ++catch             +_export         ++new               static
     +cdecl              extern          ++operator          struct
      char              +far              +pascal            switch
    ++class              float           ++private         ++template
      const              for             ++protected       ++this
      continue         ++friend          ++public            typedef
     +_cs                goto              register          union
      default           +huge             +_regparam         unsigned
    ++delete             if                return          ++virtual
      do               ++inline           +_saveregs         void
      double             int              +_seg              volatile


      Notes:    + denotes that this keyword is a Turbo C extension.

                ++ denotes that this keyword is specific to C++.

                All keywords are reserved and may not be used as

                The keywords `entry' and `fortran' are not reserved or
                used in C++.

                sizeof is an operator and is discussed under the topic

See Also: sizeof
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